Become a
Premier Business
Thank you for your interest in partnering with The Downtown Dirty. Our Premier Packages are designed to grow your network and business. Let’s make a plan and get started!
This first tier package offers your business a way to reach patrons on a consistent monthly basis!
Four posts per month on
Instagram and FacebookStory highlights
The standard package is an elevated tier that provides not only monthly engagement, but critical weekly spotlights!
Four posts per month on Instagram and Facebook
Story highlights
Events posted and shared on website
Our highest tier package fully engages the community so that they are following and visiting your business. It keeps your services and events front and center so that no one misses out!
Four posts per month on Instagram and Facebook
Story highlights
One sponsored post boost
Events posted and shared on website
Event coverage with live streaming

Additional Services
▶Branding Identity
▶MC Services
▶Event Co-Host/ Sponsorship
Stand Out!
You business will have a blog post on our website covering an event, ownership, business overview, or other community related topic to feature!
Partner with The Downtown Dirty to give your patrons exclusive Steals & Deals. Discount must be presented at time of checkout and one per purchase only.
Showcase your business through Ad Space on our website for a month (Video or Graphic).